Resources to Get VOCSN
VOCSN requires a physician prescription for ventilation plus one additional therapy including oxygen, cough assist, suction, or nebulizer.
Check Eligibility
VOCSN requires a physician prescription. As a first step, talk to your physician and ask how you can get VOCSN.
All VOCSN technical and training documents are available for download here.
We're here to help. Fill out this form to contact our team and we'll get in touch.

Check Eligibility
Ventilation + One Therapy
VOCSN typically requires a physician prescription for ventilation plus one additional therapy (oxygen, cough, suction, or nebulization). Please contact us for information about eligibility using this form.

Speak to Your Doctor
Let your physician know you want VOCSN
VOCSN requires a physician prescription, so ask if VOCSN is a good choice for you. Because VOCSN is the first and only Multi-Function Ventilator, some doctors have not yet had a hands-on demonstration. Please invite them to schedule an in-person meeting using this form.
To begin the conversation with your physician, please fill out this form to receive a letter you can use to email, print, or submit via a patient portal to your physician.

Find a DME
Talk to your home health company
VOCSN is supplied and serviced by home health companies, otherwise known as durable medical equipment companies (DME companies). We're adding more DME companies every day, so please contact us if your preferred company isn't listed and we'll be in touch.

Contact Us
Our Team Is Standing By
Our team has helped hundreds of patients transition from hospital to home. We will work to connect you to resources to assist in your transition to integrated respiratory care with VOCSN.